How many times you sought for help or support from your nepotic when u flounders? How many of you don’t like to be alone at all? How many times you blamed others for getting a futile result? How many times you have tried to look for a person with whom u can share your problems and sorrows?

I am sure gobs of time and we all do it. But tell me who was it, who was really hurt when tear rolls down your cheek? Who was there all the time with you starting from your birth till your end?– Its ‘you!! Being with yourself starting from your birth till end is what I think must be the longest and most loyal relationship we follow.

In my bad times, it was ‘me’ who always pushed myself ahead, pulled me up when I was on pitfall, always gave me the inner strength to confront the most confounding and daunting situations in life., it was ‘me’ who rewarded my self with the gift I love on attaining victory over some tiny achievement. I am my own best friend.

Why to find solace from outer bodies when we can find it in ourselves only. Ask yourself for help, strength, support, courage, conviction and see whether it gives u back or not. Life is like a novel, a book. It comprises of several chapters which always taught us to grow constantly. Sometimes few chapters teaches us to fight back by fortifying the ‘problem’ but we fear to be courageous and don’t turn over the page and hence the Life stuck there. Try to find out the cause of your problem and eradicate it.  Believe me, there are minimum 5 alternative solutions to each and every problem. Have a strong mind to chose and imply it because you can’t solve a problem by the same thinking u created it. Try to look out the best lesson in worst situation and move on, because time never stops for any damn one. Know yourself first because it’s more important and better that knowing others.

Here is a quick peek from my personal experience, how can you know yourself better and make best out of yourself in any situation in just 5 ways.

Work towards your goal
Even god has provided the best food a bird can have but ofcourse not to their nest. Go out; move your hands and legs; use your brain in every situation. Ask those 5 alternative solutions from yourself which u can do to overcome the challenging situation, pick up the best and imply it. Don’t ask outsiders but ask innersider.

Jot down some favorites.
5 dishes u love;
5 things u love to do;
5 movies u can watch anyday, anytime;
5 songs which makes your day;
5 friends u love to spend time with (no bf no gf only f, dnt get it wrong too u dirty mind)

Now, you got 5x5 options i.e. 25 things which always bring that smile to your life. Try any of these options each day to make your day enliven even more. It’ll give you those extra smiles after all these small happiness adds on ‘spark’ to your life and makes it even more rocking.

5-min meditation
In today’s busy world one even forget to smile while looking at the mirror and getting ready for the endeavor. Just spend 5 min for yourself each day. Refrain your mind from any kinds of thoughts (any includes everything, starting from you to your life) for 5 min. Take a deep inhale and then exhale out the negativity- the problems, the worries. Do it everyday and then see the magic.

Lock your brain with positivity
Don’t allow the negative thoughts to enter, occupy the mind with good thoughts, because damaging thoughts can make u enervated. The moment your mind diverts towards negativity start playing sudoku or puzzle games or read the newspaper or the delhitimes if u like because that’s the only newspaper I consider ;). Then your mind will be accustomed to the positivity and will start working as antivirus in your hard disc and would never allow the virus to infect your hardware again. Try it.

Healthy you
Please allow me to take you till your mirror.
Look at yourself for a jiffy. Stop being a narcissist now!!
Tell me, what’s that thing about you which you can change from your diet??
What about that flab in your tummy, what bout your hair or skin and last but not the least what bout your feet, nails, lips which we often forget to even glance in such busy schedule (Guys!! It also goes for you…look yourself for the same)
What next then!! Ask google, it’ll give you enormous alternatives to all your queries but pick only that which suits you the best and be committed to it coz u r not doing wrong to anyone else if you are not following the same but ofcourse you are cheating yourself…check that u don’t!!

So, they were some ordinary tips and hope it will work for you to become an extraordinary ‘You’. Finally I would like to conclude that u just need to love yourself and stay connected. Enjoy the journey called ‘Life’ with ‘Yourself’.
7 Responses
  1. tania Says:

    i loved the subtleties in this article of yours..very true and can be accommodated..:)

  2. Rinki Datta Says:

    hey di awesome article....
    connecting with ourselves is d best ...but it take some time to realize...first we find for an external support and at last we go for d best support of our internal self that guides us d best....

  3. eehkar Says:

    Loved it....its soooo factual!!!.....ur becoming a Gyan Guru, now....keep it up :)

  4. Subhankar Says:

    Great article!!! Enjoyed reading each and every line of this write up....Too good; well to be honest, after reading this I feel so relaxed and positive that all the tensions and work load of the entire day seems to have vanished in a moment.

    These handy tips only yield any fruitful results if we implement these and follow them sincerely in our day to day life. The real challenge is not only to start but to keep continuing...

  5. While I agree with what you say about loving oneself, I will say its a really difficult task not to stay connected with others. We are social beings and are just not made to live a life of solitude. It maybe possible, under extra ordinary circumstances. But those will be exceptions.

  6. I completely agree that we are social beings but i dnt agree that its difficult task to stay connected with others in today's world where technology rules. But I really respect and appreciate your view point too.
    Thanks again. :)

  7. Technology can do only so much. It's limitation will not be felt until the time you get to stay at least 6-8 months by yourself.

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