Why can't people just be happy all the time!!! I know that's a real stupid question but just ask yourself once that who is the most elated person in the world- KIDS, BABIES but why, because they just keep on doing their own work, don't bother at all whats going on around, they just enjoy themselves. I just read somewhere that the best way to be happy is to have a SHORT TERM MEMORY and GREAT SENSE OF HUMOR. I really liked it, just give a thought why do some people just keep on thinking on some topic which they cant solve and if they can (as every problem has solution) then why cant they just solve it.I mean ok, LIFE is not always fair but so whaattt..nothing is PERMANENT here too. I literally believe in action rather than words or thoughts. I know you must be thinking that its easy to write but trust me its easier to apply. It all depends on your attitude and how you take it, everybody has problem, EACH and EVERYBODY STRUGGLE, some overcomes it and some leads their life to depth of despair and dismay but only one thing that makes them different is their ATTITUDE. Its YOU, only you who can CHOOSE to be HAPPY or to be DESPAIR. Believe me, LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL, LIVE it, You should be happy that you are blessed with THIS LIFE, CHOOSE your decisions wisely with a SMILE. Live Exuberantly!! :)
Applaud applaud!!!
darun G.M,i must admit amar podhe onek shanti millo..janish kichu din dhore inek tired lagchilo exam er janno,article ta padhe tiredness ta chole gale because i was not tryin to be happy...loved the article and its very light and catchy..simple words with thoughful feelings..:)
ooohhh!!! thanks a lot taani for your kind encouraging words!! really it means a lot for me...anewyz, I m there for you anytime...thnx gain!! :)
There's a Swedish proverb that says, Those who wish to sing always find a song...Maybe that's how you are too- happy because you chose it, plan it! post more of these happy thoughts girl!! :)
hii..d piece is actually quite nice..i like the optimism..but jus wondering if its actly possible..smtyms i feel such thots in dis age are pure idealism..(quite pessimistic f me!)
but gud dat u r puttin such stuf on ur blog..hopefully ppl follow it..keep wishes! :)
Awesome thought di......
hope that everyone apply dis formula in der life so dat .d world can be always shining wid der smiles.........
love ur first blog...keep ur work on...
for people to follow.....
luv u di........
thnx a lot to everyone..u have no idea how glad i fee to read ur comments...Thnx for ur encouraging words, I would surely update one more article..keep smiling till then. :)