
There was a time when I was served with dinner on platter by my mom after coming from work, and there is time now when I have to enter kitchen after work so that I can serve dinner to myself.

Well, I heard what you said, there is always a first time.

I still remember I didn't know how to cook when I first moved to US after my wedding, and then just followed the basic Indian basic masala (spice) principle to almost all the things I tried, even if it's anything continental, which is onion tomatoes fry with all the available Indian masalas. I remember, when I started cooking I got some serious leg cramps due to standing for may be 30 minutes, yes just 30 minutes was like 3 hours for me then.

I now realize that might be the reason why I don't like preparing tea, also because I loose patience and mostly interest standing and looking at the water to boil and then waiting for another boil with tea leaves and then wait forever for third boil with milk (that's the secret of Indian chai, by the way).

Believe me, being in Kitchen for almost 2.5 years has taught me a lot of things and made me a better person in my life. It made me more responsible, it made me to love vegetables like karela (bittergourd), it taught me to to be organized, it made me realized that kitchen is a big responsibility and I hats off to all the mothers who has done this job for years and spreading love through out the family. Love your mom for doing all this without having any expectation or help in return.

Here are a few things I learned in Kitchen, when I became the owner of my kitchen.

1. Forgetting the lunchbox in your work bag is NEVER OKAY!

I had to throw two lunchboxes over last few months. You asking why? because that closed lunch box was lying in my bag for one day and then forgot to wash it the other day. Finally when I got time to wash, it was too late, as it became abode for tiny-miny cute looking fungus and I got so emotional for not destroying the same. Just kidding, I was furious and threw the whole lunchbox in the bin. This was my lesson and I made a habit of taking out the lunch box everyday after reaching home by setting up an reminder in my mobile after that incident.

Now I understand why my mom used to yell at me for not keeping out the lunchbox in the sink on same day. 

2. No one enters the kitchen other than you

Other members might just enter to check if any food is there to snack on or not. Leaving only me, who spends atleast 1.5 hour in kitchen, either cooking or setting up the utensils back to its place, and then cleaning the area.

It's like a vicious circle:
  • Cook, 
  • Clean, 
  • Keep the utensils back, and then 
  • Take it out to Cook again.
3. If you dont cook, there will be no food for the day

If I am not feeling well for a day, that's's a party time for my hubby. He will find Pizza to Fried chicken online, all kinds of junk food which you try to avoid for your family.

Trust me he never gets this happy face until I utter this sentence "not feeling well to cook today".

5. Family's health is in your hand

I truly believe this. Your family is what you feed them. That's why even if I am very tired, I make sure to cook some quick and tasty healthy food from my menu planner, instead of hogging onto junk snacks. 

4. No one can know the kitchen and its stuffs any better than you

The way you keep the stuff, you want others to follow the same. Your kitchen, your style, your rules. Sounds fantastic right, it feels fantastic too :D

6. Meal planner chart is a must, or I go nuts

It's like looking at the filled wardrobe and you feel " I have nothing to wear today". It took me months to realize that I need a chart, or else I keep stressing over evening for what I should prepare for dinner.

7. Making a chapati is no less than Rocket science in my case

Trust me I am still bad at it, and making the dough just drains me out. And, I believe Roti making is a whole process, you have to set up with all the machinaries you need and make the dough, job doesn't ends there, now you have to roll it in a such a way it becomes circle, okay done but it's not done yet, you have to cook it properly so it fluffs up on gas. Yes, you think now it's over? No, you  have repeat this entire thing for almost 10 times, and then clean up the entire thing. 

8. 7 Days continous cooking is a PAIN, period

Yes, it is!

9. Basic Indian Masala is the (mother and father) of all dish

As I mentioned before that's how I learned cooking. Fry onion, put tomatoes, roast them together till the oil oozes out, that's it, mix anything with this masala. Even with the international veggies like: Brussel sprouts, Bakchoi, well not Asparagus obviously, well  may be I should give a try. :D

10. It is the biggest personal job and responsibility ever, and I simply love it!

Believe me it takes a lot to be in kitchen for such a long time. Being a head chef of your own kitchen is not an easy task, but what makes it easy is the smile on your loved ones across the dining table.

Hats off! To all the women and men who takes in-charge of their family's health and spend time in creating joys for their family.

10 Responses
  1. Nice to see you are still in touch with writing and have improved a great deal.. keep it up!

  2. Shalini Says:

    Nicely penned Mita 😊 Keep going!

    God bless every mom who took all the pain to make sure food was served to everyone at the right time without expecting any comments...... whether she is sick, in pain, feeling well or even loaded with other things to take care of, she still made sure dinner was served...... that's the heart of a "MOTHER" Love your mom no matter what......

  3. So nicely put and can’t agree more!! Keep it coming Mita!

  4. Unknown Says:

    Every girl's dil ki baat. Well said mitz😀

  5. Unknown Says:

    What took you so long maumita??? Jus love reading those blogs!!! Awesome!!!

  6. eehkar Says:

    Nice....happy cooking!

  7. Thank you everyone for all the nice words and encouragement. I really appreciate it. :)

  8. Another presentation dished out with the right amount of spice and salt.. welcome back :)

  9. RHaid Says:

    He never looks happier than when you say you feel too unwell to cook? So mean.

    Great insights, Mita. Look forward to reading more.

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