
Cannot believe, Just 15 days to 2021.

World has had enough of 2020, everyone is very much looking forward to 2021. Having said that, we should first acknowledge and empathize with all the departed souls this year and the sacrifice they made in this pandemic battle. This year will indeed be remembered by all.

However, this whole thing could not stop us from keep moving. Three cheers for all those who still made their life events grand by embracing the situation and compromising the loud celebrations, they are the people who got married this year, who delivered their baby, who even got into a new job, who are passed out this year in spite having a continuous stress behind their head. Kudos to them.

And we cannot thank enough to the healthcare frontliners who worked day and night, keeping their own family at bay just to save the mankind. Hats off to them.

This year has been difficult for each one of us, including very young kids but we are still moving up in this battle, a battle where we all are in it together against this evil virus. The time is not far where our life will go back to normal.

But I contemplate? Are we still same? I do not think so. We all have grownup together in this challenging situation, where it taught us to stay positive together, to fight in the battle together, to work together, made us aware of the significance of maintaining hygiene in our daily lives, made us aware of the importance of friends family and taught us to value relationship even more, celebrating life no matter what. We grew up together in this, so a big pat on our back itself.

We are the survivors; we are the winners. Celebration for the same is due but hope never dies.

May this 2021 bring good health and happiness into the world.

Happy new 2021 everyone.


It was a long tiring day in the office, and I couldn’t think of anything better than a good sound sleep.

As I was approaching my steps to home, I could hear the loud soap operas’ hilarious background music on television. Laughing in my head, I rang the bell, my mother opened the door with a shining smile and said, “Come beta! you must be really tired, I will get you a cup of green tea" and went to the kitchen. "Oh! Maa, what would I have done without you", I said and laid down on couch. and there it was:

"Sirf chaar hafton me paaye gora nikhar" featuring a girl face in Ravana head style with different shades of skin tone and where the smile keeps on extending with the fairer tone. I was grinning seeing that pictorial portray of shades and how the smile is directly proportion to the lighter skin tone. It was so funny yet dangerous to see that a national commercial gets to decide which skin is no good skin and moreover, misusing their power to guide the Indian population that fair is beautiful, and brown is not.

 How naive Indians could be to believe and follow such products from ages.

Indians are brown skinned people. Period. What’s so unacceptable about it? I really don’t understand, what’s the big deal owning brown skin? I think it’s the preaches from ancestral generation which was blindly followed by the people till today; preaches to make brown skinned people uncomfortable with their skin just because they don’t like their skin color. And, that’s so wrong. Commenting on your own people’s color is just disgraceful, it’s like you are making your own community pollute, unsafe, uncomfortable to live in.

Moreover, why do people are even obsessed with fair skin. This is one thing I guess I would never understand in my life. Why do people run after such products to get a fairer skin? Every human being is god's beautiful creation, disrespecting them on basis of looks means disrespecting god himself.  

 Audrey Hepburn once said:

         "For beautiful eyes,

                  look for the good in others.

           For beautiful lips,

                 speak only words of kindness

          For poise

                 walk with the knowledge that you are never alone

           and I believe happy girls are the prettiest

                because elegance is the only thing that never fades away"

Then why do you need fair skin? As long as you are smiling whole heartedly, I bet no other makeup or skin tone can brighten up any face in that matter.

Listen girl/boy, if you ever have been felt insecure by the sick hater’s comment, don’t care about it because they don’t care about you.

Well I am not here to say what should be done on these haters comment, but I am here today to emphasize on this whole skin color discrimination first place.

Try to make your community comfortable and livable for all types of skin color, and that’s not too much to ask for.

Let’s celebrate beauty beyond color and learn to respect all skin color.

Do your bit and encourage people around you for not being biased based on skin color.

Be responsible and do your part, rest will make the world a better place to live and breathe.

You are the change. And, remember….


Brown is Beautiful!