Recently the Uber cab driver case has
jolted the nation, yet again. Discussions, speeches, activities, protests, media,
all possible things, which can highlight this case, started yet again.
Now what? Where is the Change?
Change…umm…well, yes may be. But not in judiciary
laws, neither in government nor in people’s mentality but yes, in WOMAN’s
perspective towards MAN.
When asked by my friends, that why do I
sense so much rage against man in every woman, nowadays? Why are ALL men being
stereotyped and hated by woman? And, why do guys think that we are pointing
fingers on them when they are not even part of it?
Hushhh! Received many different
answers from different individuals.
One of my friends, who is a guy, says, “it
hurts our sentiments, when they generalise men and say such things and put a
feminist status on FB to have a cool
status”, true! Another friend said, who is a gal, “why do guys think and take
it that way? We know our brother, father and friends are good men and
protective about us, but at the same time they should also act a bit responsible
towards other women around and see to it that they raise their voce if anyone
is getting suffered. How many times did they raise voice against some odd? Ask
them.” True again.
Few guys said, “Girls try to lend sympathy
from people by saying all such stuff, we do respect girl and should not be
blamed for what the rapists has done, just because we share the same gender.
Stop Generalising Us, The Men.” True
that! Another bunch of girls said, “Why do we have to consider ourselves as
weaker section? Why do we have such saying as male-dominating society? Why does anyone have to dominate anyone?”
This goes on and ultimately leads to an
unnecessary battle, which is absolutely diverted from the main subject.
Well, what’s the subject? You must be
thinking the same question.
The subject is not the girls making it sensational
or girls are getting molested, or what guys should learn or how family should
bring up their child, NO. These are not the subject. The subject is what’s the aftermath
of doing such in-human act? Because the former will get resolved only if the latter
is accomplished.
These discussions are not doing any good to
us but creating a broad bridge among two genders, that’s it.
Just forget for a moment what gender
community you belong to and start thinking as an individual. Empathise victim’s
point of view and see what can be done to eradicate such issue rather than stimulating
any gender discrimination.
Lately, read Shenaz’s letter. I am not offended
by her letter but I am bit surprised that she has addressed the complete letter
to the most influential men of our
nation and not women. Not because she could not remember any
influential women while writing the letter, but has written it with a gender perspective
and not with an individual perspective. This is what we, the common people, do
and think.
Sometimes, in my daily life, when I get up
in a crowded metro and a guy makes a way for me doesn’t mean I am good. When I
am unable to close the window in the bus and a guy comes up and help me closing
it, doesn't mean he is acting as a good-guy in the crowd. When some guy offers
me a seat in a crowded bus doesn't mean he is trying to impress me. It simply
means that individual is good not me. Similarly, when a girl gets some help
from another girl, no one ever notices that. This is because of gender
Not only this, do you know judiciary discrimination
is also done against men? The following paragraph was found in Wikipedia with
reference links:
“Although socially women have been at a
disadvantage, Indian laws highly favor women. If a husband commits adultery he
will be jailed, but a woman cannot be jailed for adultery and neither will she
be punished by the courts. There is no recognition of sexual molestation of men
and rarely the police stations lodge an First Information Report (FIR); men are
considered the culprit by default even if it was the woman that committed
sexual abuse against men.[citation needed] Women can jail husband's family for
dowry related cases by just filing an FIR. The law IPC 498A demands that the
husband's family be considered guilty by default, unless proven otherwise, in
other words it implements the doctrine of 'guilty unless proven innocent'
defying the universally practised doctrine of 'innocent until proven guilty'.
According to one source, this provision is much abused as only four percent of
the cases go to the court and the final conviction rate is as low as two
percent.[11][verification needed]. There are many laws including 498a, false
rape laws etc., favoring women to greater extent. If a man files a rape
complaint, it’s not considered as rape, since rape clearly is for men and not
for women. If a woman rapes man then court can’t punish her.”
I am not writing this to make any woman
realize that men are good or any man to realize that women are no weaker
section but to make each of you realize that it is important to raise voice
against wrong and do something against it as an individual. Let’s not allow anything bad in our surroundings.
All I want to say is that you should stand
against odd, irrespective of your gender, as an individual. This is just a
small change we need to bring in ourselves, so that we create a better society
for our grandchildren to live.