23 June'12 was the day when my Sister felt the kick in her womb. But the baby was too naughty to make that as a false alarm. Finally the real alarm rung after 4 days.

I wonder how beautiful it is, a tiny living organism grows inside a Human Being. Indeed, its a surprise gift from god. Leave aside the scientific reasons and all, but just think once, isnt it a "Live Miracle"? 

The carrying person whom we name it as "Mother" bears all the responsibility of baby for 9 months, she shares her food, drinks, sleep, smiles, air, laughter...evrything. They are not just connected by an umbilical cord, but they literally become part of each other. Infants will forever be a part of their mother. No doubt, thats why mother is always given the same place as god. Never ever hurt her because you have not seen your mother's pain while bringing you in to this world. So the next time your mom calls just to make sure you are okay, be sure you pick it up that instant. 

It was 27th of June, mid-night then when my sister was finally in pain, what we call as 'Labor Pain'. I have only heard this word before but never saw anyone experiencing the same. My sister was literally howling which bought tears in my eyes too. I was unable to see her sufferings. Maa was trying to soothe me when she found me in tears but lamentably I didn't see any soothing in her statement when she said "This is nothing beta, still lot to come". Must say all the mothers are the strongest human beings in this universe. It was 3 in the morning when she was taken to the OT.  Me, my jij and dad were waiting outside the OT. My mom was waiting in triage as being a mother she was praying for another mother. We all were very tensed and anxious as my sis was undergoing C-section. 

Afetr sometimes, like every filmy scene, Doctor in the same green uniform came out and congratulated us that its a baby gal. It was such a overwhelming moment for all of us. After few minutes the baby was bought to show her father, who is aka jij for me :), and when  I saw my 6 minutes old Niece wrapped in a green cloth just like a tiny caterpillar,with few thin short blackish hair over her head, opened eyes, her bright red wrinkled transparent skin and when she was given to my arms it was 'The Moment' which I can never forget. I was feeling as if I was holding a small ball of cotton with some flesh and cartilage inside. She yawned and then smiled for the first time on my lap which even made the nurse to grin. Though I was not allowed to touch her skin much but I just couldn't resist myself and secludedly kissed her forehead. My body, mind, soul everyone inside me was celebrating that very moment.  

Courtesy: Google Image

'Kaaju' thats the name given exclusively by me, She is the first generation of The Bhattacharya's Pride.

Hope fully after 21 years she loves it when she reads it.
This is just to convey that I love you my Kaju and may god shower all his as well as her blessings on you. Make us proud and foremost make me a proud 'Maashi Muni'. Mera shweetu niece, wish u a Very Very Happy Birthday. Also I wish, you come and hug me after reading this and say "You are the best Maashi Muni in the world, u rock Maashi" :)
God Bless You my Kaju.

Come celebrate my niece birthday, please leave your message down, even if it is belated so that your wishes can make someone smile. :)